Ashby is a comedy-drama film directed by Tony McNamara, Starring Mickey Rourke, Nat Wolff, Emma Roberts, and Sarah Silverman. The movie focuses on the friendship between a high school student Ed and Ashby, a retired CIA assassin who has few months to live.
The story begins with Ed Wallis, a new boy who has moved from Oregon still in the process of adjusting to his new life. When Ed is given an assignment to write an essay on an older person in order to acknowledge the past, he turns to his neighbor Ashby ,who he later realizes to be a retired CIA assassin. On learning that Ashby was an ex CIA assassin, Ed was terrified but later it turns out that Ashby wasn't a bad guy after all. Ed learns a lot from Ashby. He learns to be strong and courageous. He learns to stand up for himself.
Ed also befriends Eloise, who is this really smart girl. She is so fascinated by the way the brain works that she likes studying about it. Also, her dads a neurologist and they have an MRI machine in their house. Ed also tries out for the football team thinking it would be a way to fit it and make new friends since football is kinda a big deal in that town.
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